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DAF Space Program Issues RFI for Domain Awareness Capabilities

DAF Space Program Issues RFI for Domain Awareness Capabilities

1 min read

The Space Security and Defense Program, which operates under the Department of the Air Force, is seeking input for space domain awareness capabilities and services to address threats in a dynamic and increasingly crowded space environment.

Interested contractors should submit concepts that address key focus areas—particularly, support to fires, surveillance of man-made objects, intelligence and reconnaissance, and environmental monitoring, according to a request for information notice posted on Sam.gov Wednesday.

In addition, the SSDP is looking for concepts that would enable military forces to plan, integrate, execute and assess space operations. They should have one or more of these features: high sensibility to detect small objects across a wide area of space, the ability to reduce solar, earth and lunar exclusion zones and the capability to process collected data quickly.

The concepts should also be capable of detecting, tracking and identifying resident space objects, characterizing or determining strategies, intent and activities of threats, predicting and assessing potential and actual threats and integrating and utilizing multi-source data for dynamic decision-making.

Interested parties may send their responses to the RFI no later than Nov. 14.