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OMB, NARA Issue New Memo to Agencies on Electronic Records Transition

1 min read

The Office of Management and Budget and the National Archives and Records Administration have released a joint memorandum setting June 30, 2024, as the new deadline for federal agencies to manage all permanent records in an electronic format.

OMB and NARA extended the deadline to give agencies additional time to complete their move to an electronic environment that may have been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the agencies said Friday.

By the end of June 2024, agencies must convert their temporary records into an electronic format and transfer their permanent files to NARA in electronic formats with appropriate metadata.

After that deadline, NARA will no longer accept transfers of temporary or permanent analog records.

According to the memo, NARA will release updated guidance and regulations to provide agencies with standards for electronic recordkeeping no later than June 30, 2024.

NARA will also finalize electronic records management standards and requirements for federal agencies buying ERM platforms and services no later than Dec. 31, 2023.