A San Antonio-based software factory the U.S. Air Force launched in December 2019 has been providing cyber platforms to U.S. military cyber organizations, SIGNAL Magazine reported Wednesday. The LevelUp Code Works Software Factory has adopted an Agile acquisition model and DevSecOps approach to facilitate the development of cyber-related software.
“We're going down the path of DevSecOps approaches, which requires us to automate to the maximum extent our ability to test, investigate security, provide cybersecurity and the effectiveness of these applications, micro services and software packages that we're delivering,” Lt. Col. John Priestly, director of the LevelUp Code Works Software Factory, said Tuesday at an AFCEA Alamo event.
Priestly, who also serves Unified Platform Program manager and materiel leader, mentioned LevelUp’s partnership with U.S. Cyber Command and cyber components to deliver digital cyber platforms and software to unified combatant commands and other service branches.
“U.S. Cyber Command and the service cyber components participate throughout each of our program increments, all the way in the beginning, to planning out which capabilities to how we're going to prioritize, what is going to go into the backlog, and then moving forward into actual development and execution,” Priestly said. “They are shoulder-to-shoulder with us all the way through to the demonstration and delivery of capability. And that's been a huge win for us."