U.S. Attorney General William Barr has issued a guidance to the Department of Justice on the authorization of counter-unmanned aerial system activities under the 2018 Preventing Emerging Threats Act.
DOJ said Monday the guidance covers procedures related to the certification of C-UAS assets and facilities as well as limitations on the use of data obtained from C-UAS operations. Other activities covered by the guidance include acquisition, training and testing.
According to the DOJ, department components must coordinate with the Federal Aviation Administration and the transportation secretary in efforts to assess airspace and safety risks that may result from C-UAS activities.
Barr noted that the guidance serves as the result of “extensive collaboration” between the DOJ, FAA and Department of Transportation.
“The number of unmanned aircraft is increasing rapidly, as is their importance to the economy,” added Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. “By further enabling the Department’s efforts to mitigate threats posed by errant or malicious UAS, the Guidance helps to bring us closer to the larger objective of ensuring all forms of air traffic in the National Airspace System operate lawfully and safely.”