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NASA to Get $21.5B in Funds Under Fiscal 2019 Spending Package

1 min read

NASA will receive $21.5B in fiscal year 2019 funds under an appropriations package that President Trump signed into law Friday, SpaceNews reported Sunday.

The proposed appropriations for the agency reflect an increase of $1.6B over the administration’s original budget request. The final measure will earmark $926.9M in funds for space technology and retain the Space Technology and Exploration accounts.

The Space Launch System will receive $2.15B in FY 2019  funds, while the Orion spacecraft will secure $1.35B. The bill will also provide $321M for the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope program; $110M for NASA’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Engagement education program; $450M for the Lunar Orbital Platform; and $116.5M for the Advanced Cislunar and Surface Capabilities program.