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Profile: DCAA Director Patrick Fitzgerald

2 mins read


Patrick Fitzgerald

Patrick Fitzgerald is director of the Defense Contract Audit Agency, having been appointed to this position Nov. 8, 2009.

The DCAA is the agency responsible for auditing the department’s contracts and providing cost accounting and financial advisory services regarding contracts and subcontracts to all DoD components responsible for procurement and contract administration.

Before joining the DCAA, he served as the U.S. Army‘s auditor general and held responsibility for managing worldwide operations of the U.S. Army Audit Agency, where he held a 30-year auditing career.

A 14-year veteran of the Senior Executive Service, his first position within the SES was deputy auditor general for forces and financial management at the USAAA.

In that capacity, he principally advised the auditor general on the agency’s programs for auditing functional areas of forces and manpower management, financial operations, information technology, the Corps of Engineers and civil works.

Between 2001 and 2004, he served as the agency’s deputy auditor general for policy and operations management, where he advised the auditor general on audit policy, follow-up and liaison, auditor training and recruiting and agency resources.

He served as the USAAA’s principal deputy auditor general from 2004 to 2006, where he developed and oversaw the execution of the agency’s strategic audit plan and overall management of audit operations.

Fitzgerald is the recipient of a Presidential Distinguished Executive Rank Award, Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank Award and the Army Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service.

The certified public accountant holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration/accounting (summa cum laude) from the University of Baltimore and holds a master’s degree in policy and management from Georgetown University.

He is also a certified information systems auditor and a certified government financial manager.