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Profile: Dr. Michaela Iorga, NIST’s Senior Security Technical Lead for Cloud Computing

1 min read

Michaela Iorga
Michaela Iorga

Dr. Michaela Iorga is the senior security technical lead for cloud computing at the National Institute of Standards and Technology‘s computer security division.

She also serves as co-chair of the agency’s Cloud Computing Forensic Science Working Group and Cloud Computing Security Working Group.

Dr. Iorga works with government, academic and industrial organizations to develop cybersecurity guidelines and standards as well as to promote innovation and competition.

She has also held consulting roles in both public and private sectors and holds experience in information security and assurance, risk assessment, cloud and mobile ad hoc networks, identity and credential management, security architecture development and cyberspace privacy protection.

Her current research work focuses on cloud computing security, privacy and forensic issues.