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CDAO Holds GIDE Industry Insights Forum to Accelerate Innovation for CJADC2
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CDAO Holds GIDE Industry Insights Forum to Accelerate Innovation for CJADC2

1 min read

The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office has organized an industry insights forum to inform private companies about collaborative opportunities under the Global Information Dominance Experiments program, which aims to test various capabilities that could advance the Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control development.

Attendees at the first GIDE Industry Insights Forum, held at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Virginia, learned about the Pentagon’s CJADC2-related technology needs to accelerate innovation and bring new capabilities to the hands of warfighters, the DOD said Tuesday.

According to the agency, the GIDE Forum is a key step to enabling the new Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories—or Open DAGIR—platform, which establishes a multivendor ecosystem allowing industry and government to securely integrate data platforms, development tools, services and applications to improve data, analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities.

To strengthen commercial partnerships, the CDAO plans to organize similar events to keep the industry updated about the latest DOD technology and talent needs, enhance the Open DAGIR program and advance AI initiatives for the CJADC2 warfighting concept.