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New State Department Strategy Seeks to Maximize Benefits of Open Source Intelligence for Diplomatic Missions
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New State Department Strategy Seeks to Maximize Benefits of Open Source Intelligence for Diplomatic Missions

1 min read

The Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research has released its first-ever strategy on the development of policy and guidance that would govern the use of open source intelligence, or OSINT.

Defined as “intelligence derived exclusively from publicly or commercially available information that addresses specific intelligence priorities, requirements, or gaps,” OSINT is seen by the INR as “an invaluable resource” that can benefit diplomatic objectives, the newly-issued Open Source Intelligence Strategy says.

According to Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research Brett Holmgren, OSINT provides data that helps “enrich intelligence analysis, inform U.S. diplomats and policymakers, and enable intelligence diplomacy.”

For these reasons, the “the power and potential of OSINT” must be harnessed, which is what the OSINT Strategy aims to realize, Holmgren said in an accompanying statement.

In addition to policy development, the strategy also tackles OSINT-related capability investments, training and cooperation.

“Together, these actions will help INR realize the full potential of OSINT in an efficient, secure, and responsible manner while continuing to deliver expert insights to U.S. diplomats and State Department officials worldwide,” Holmgren said.