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William Lietzau
William Lietzau Director DCSA

DCSA Announces Enrollment of DOD Clearance Holders in Continuous Vetting; Director William Lietzau Quoted

1 min read

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) has enrolled into the Continuous Vetting program all U.S. security clearance holders within the Department of Defense as part of the Trusted Workforce 2.0 background investigation reform program.

DCSA said Friday that TW 2.0 seeks to overhaul the vetting process for clearance holders by allowing reciprocity across agencies and replacing periodic reinvestigations with a CV program that performs automated record checks through the use of new personnel vetting information technology system called the National Background Investigation Services.

The agency said NBIS is still under the development phase and seeks to reform the background investigation process by replacing legacy IT systems to help speed up processing, facilitate information sharing and improve security.

DSCA came up with two transitional phases to achieve the TW 2.0 program’s goal of providing continuous vetting for all security clearance holders by October 2023. Trusted Workforce 1.25 provides high-value automated record checks while the TW 1.5 phase seeks to facilitate automated checks of seven record sources.

DCSA Director William Lietzau said the enrollment of clearance holders into the CV program is a “major milestone for the national security community.”

“Not only does this allow us to help ensure the trustworthiness of the national security workforce, it helps identify and address factors that may lead to insider threat incidents, all while maximizing efficiencies across government; this is a major win for the security community,” added Lietzau.