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CIO Andrea Norris on NIH’s Core Data Network, Digital Transformation Effort

1 min read

Andrea Norris, chief information officer at the National Institutes of Health, said her office moves approximately 6 petabytes of data each day through a core computational network, Federal News Network reported Thursday.

“Our backbone network is one core because the predominant data that we’re moving through there is scientific by far, but we do have set up in some cases, we architect virtual local networks for specialized scientific instrumentation,” Norris said on the network’s Federal Monthly Insights – Digital Transformation. “We also have a scientific — what’s referred to as a scientific DMZ that can be used for dedicated needs for fast traffic, for science purposes.”

Norris, who also serves as director of NIH’s Center for IT, said the center collaborated with key leaders of the Department of Health and Human Services to implement the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act in a way that shows the diverse missions of HHS. She also noted that her office sought outside experts to update the network to handle big data workloads as part of a digital transformation effort launched five years ago.