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DOE Seeks Applications for Facilities & Strategies Tracks of MAKE IT Clean Energy Tech Manufacturing Challenge
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DOE Seeks Applications for Facilities & Strategies Tracks of MAKE IT Clean Energy Tech Manufacturing Challenge

2 mins read

The Department of Energy is soliciting applications for the two tracks of a $30 million challenge that seeks to accelerate domestic manufacturing of key components for clean energy technologies.

The MAKE IT Prize, which stands for Manufacture of Advanced Key Energy Infrastructure Technologies, is a challenge launched by DOE in April 2023 and administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL said Friday.

DOE set a Feb. 1 deadline for statements of intent from new teams interested in taking part in the MAKE IT Prize Facilities Track’s secondary timeline and submissions for Phase 1: Scope.

“The goal of the Facilities Track is to strengthen the domestic supply chain for components essential for advancing clean energy technologies,” said Rebecca Szymkowicz, commercialization program manager at DOE.

“With that in mind, we’re looking for competitors to demonstrate that they are ready to manufacture clean energy components at scale,” she added.

Winners can get up to $5 million for building domestic manufacturing facilities for clean energy components under the Facilities Track.

Under the Strategies Track, the department set a Feb. 15 deadline for submissions to the second round of Phase 1 and Phase 2’s first round.

The first phase is open to all applicants and the second phase is open to winners of Phase 1’s initial round.

“The Strategies Track is looking for nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, economic development organizations, and other groups that will nurture not only individual manufacturing facilities but the larger ecosystem in which these facilities exist—and in a way that works for those communities,” Szymkowicz noted.

“This could involve things like workforce development programs, special services for businesses, or other things that that make the area appealing for manufacturers, workers, and the community as a whole,” she added.

With the Strategies Track, winners can secure up to $400,000 for developing a roadmap for bringing clean energy production to their region and offering evidence of interest from a manufacturing developer.