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AWS Senior Practice Manager Aaron Burciaga: How To Build Responsible AI & Resilience

1 min read

Aaron Burciaga, senior practice manager with Amazon Web Services (AWS), recently released the third part in his series on How To Build Responsible AI for Forbes.

In the latest entry, Burciaga focused on resilience and the importance of and provided a guide on how federal contractors need to understand the risks involved, plan their responses and utilize forecast value added (FVA) metrics to create “effects tuning.”

“Artificial intelligence is now an integral component of the processes and systems that drive our organizations,” said Burciaga. “As AI practitioners, we must be intentional about developing, deploying and managing responsible AI — minimizing risk and removing bias while working toward our objectives.”

In addition, he provided a breakdown of resilience and how AI practitioners must adapt to situations and recover quickly as well as engineer conditions to explore the full solution space and account for the effects of local constraints

“Risk and resilience planning is nothing new — we’re simply modernizing it to fit the AI world,” Burciaga added. “At the end of the day, the main questions you need to ask to build a resilient AI system are: Do you understand the risk? Do you have a response plan for the risk? How are you tuning your plan over time to adjust for effects, anticipated or not? Be wise.”