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NIST Plans to Create Repository of Online Cybersecurity References

1 min read

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking feedback on its effort to centralize online references and relevant documents into a single repository to simplify access to NIST guides.

The agency said in a statement that it aims to establish a standard format for subject matter expert-defined online informative references as part of the National Cybersecurity OLIR program.

According to the draft guidance, the program will initially focus on documents about cybersecurity, privacy and workforce matters such as the Cybersecurity Framework. The program may also cover other documents such as national and international standards, regulations and policies for individual jurisdictions, sectors or organizations.

“The fields of cybersecurity, privacy, and workforce have a large number of documents, such as standards, guidance, and regulations,” NIST said. “There is no standardized way to indicate how an element of one document relates to an element of another document—for example, the relationship between requirement A in one document and recommendation 7.2 in another document.”

NIST will accept feedback through Feb. 24.