These allotments comprise more than $1.3B in non-competitive grant funding earmarked by the DHS in June and $345M in competitive grant funding that the department announced Friday.
“The DHS grant programs are flexible by design and purposed to help address our evolving risk environment. Response and recovery to catastrophic events strain our communities’ logistics, supply chains, communications and staffing capacities,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said.
“That is why our preparedness grant programs build and sustain critical capabilities today, so we will be ready tomorrow,” said Nielsen, a 2018 Wash100 recipient.
To help mitigate terrorism-related activities, the DHS will allot more than $1B for the Homeland Security Grant Program, $402M to the State Homeland Security Program, $580M to the Urban Area Security Initiative and $85M to Operation Stonegarden.
The department will also provide funds for law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, including more than $350M for the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program, $10M for the Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program, $60M for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, $10M for the Intercity Passenger Rail-Amtrak Program, $100M for the Port Security Grant Program, $88M for the Transit Security Grant Program and $2M for the Intercity Bus Security Grant Program.