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US, EU Complete 1st Data Protection Framework Review

1 min read

U.S. government and European Union officials have concluded the first annual review of a joint framework that governs the transfer and protection of data between the U.S. and EU.

The review covered commercial, national security and legal aspects of the Privacy Shield Framework that was established last year, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Vera Jourova, European commissioner for justice, said in a joint statement published Thursday.

Ross and Jourova added the framework works to increase transatlantic data protection through the joint efforts of participating and companies and public authorities on the delivery of data protection services for EU individuals.

The White House said in a statement released prior to the joint review that the study would represent the country’s commitment to defend the personal data of people on both sides of the Atlantic.

Programs such as the Privacy Shield and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Cross-Border Privacy Rules are designed to encourage free flow of information as well as sustain trade across the region and around the world, the White House added.