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ExecutiveGov: Your Guide to the Federal Landscape

5 mins read

The federal landscape is constantly evolving. With new federal policies and regulations, new offices, shifting priorities and ever-changing budgets, it can be hard to keep up with what’s going on in the U.S. government. But ExecutiveGov makes it easy!

What Is ExecutiveGov?

ExecutiveGov is a government contracting-focused news publication from GovCon’s leading media company, Executive Mosaic. ExecutiveGov has its finger on the pulse of the public sector — bringing you news on the macro trends, policy decisions and developments that directly affect how the government buys goods and services from the private sector. 

Senior GovCon executives and government officials alike rely on ExecutiveGov to keep them up-to-date on the latest news, funding opportunities, strategies and developments shaping the public sector. ExecutiveGov publishes at 5 p.m. ET every day, giving you a comprehensive summary of the day’s events as you wrap up your work day.

Subscribe to ExecutiveGov’s newsletter, GovCon Daily, on our homepage, and follow us on LinkedIn to stay in-the-know about important federal news. 

ExecutiveGov’s Coverage Areas

Federal News

The news coming out of the federal government significantly shapes how government contractors operate and do business with the government. At ExecutiveGov, we bring you the important news and the analysis you need to understand what it means on a broader scale. Take a look at the latest news regarding:

Government and Military Appointments & Nominations

The government is always establishing new offices, standing up new agency divisions and even creating new military branches. ExecutiveGov reports on the executive shifts within the federal government, such as nominations, confirmations and appointments to government and military leadership positions. Check out the latest government exec moves from ExecutiveGov to stay updated on the leaders of GovCon.

Government Policies & Regulations

As new technologies, threats and best practices emerge, the federal government is constantly adapting to and embracing changes. ExecutiveGov brings you the information you need on new federal policies, changing regulations and updated standards within the government landscape. 

Federal Acquisition & Procurement News

How are contracting regulations changing GovCon business? What kinds of technologies and services are government agencies looking for? How is new legislation impacting contracting opportunities? All these questions and more can be answered under the Acquisition & Procurement section on the ExecutiveGov website. 

About Executive Mosaic

ExecutiveGov’s parent company, Executive Mosaic, is the premier events, media and membership organization in the GovCon market. Founded in 2002 by Jim Garrettson, Executive Mosaic leader in connecting, promoting and branding executives of consequence through exclusive peer networking events and media. 

ExecutiveGov’s Sister Publications

Executive Mosaic’s portfolio of GovCon news properties includes four other publications:

GovCon Wire

Executive Mosaic’s morning publication, GovCon Wire brings you the most important news of the morning at 6 a.m. ET every day. Covering major executive moves, M&A activity, government contract awards and industry news, GovCon Wire is Executive Mosaic’s flagship publication. 


ExecutiveBiz is Executive Mosaic’s midday publication, covering the executive-level business activity that drives the GovCon industry. Through executive interviews, policy spotlights and news stories on corporate activity, ExecutiveBiz highlights how GovCon leaders are positioning their businesses to win.

GovConExec International

GovCon Exec International opens up Executive Mosaic’s scope to the global GovCon landscape, bringing you news from all over the world. Global partnerships are becoming increasingly critical to the U.S., and the launch of GCEI reflects Executive Mosaic’s commitment to keeping its readers updated on the latest news and trends in the GovCon space.

GovCon Index

GovCon Index is the first ever tracker of the GovCon market’s financial health. GovCon Index gives you the financial tools and reporting you need to understand where the GovCon market is heading.