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Army Introduces Regulation on Small Business Programs

Army Introduces Regulation on Small Business Programs

1 min read

The Department of the Army has released a new regulation to implement regulatory and statutory requirements for the military branch’s small business programs, or SBPs.

The department said Tuesday the Army Small Business Programs policy will take effect on Feb. 14.

Responsibilities of Army Officials

The regulation directs the secretary of the Army to establish an Office of Small Business Programs within the department and ensure that the director of SBP has sufficient resources to oversee the Small Business Program.

The department’s principal officials should ensure that all requirements sent to contracting are free of restrictive requirements that hinder small vendors from performing as prime contractors. They should also solicit advice from small business professionals when conducting market research and identifying companies that can perform the work.

Under the new regulation, the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology should oversee the execution of the Small Business Innovation Research, or SBIR, and Small Business Technology Transfer, or STTR, programs; coordinate with the SBP director regarding the two programs; and share information on procurement opportunities, prize competitions and industry engagements.

The director of SBP will serve as the principal adviser to the secretary of the Army and other senior leaders within the service branch on matters regarding SBPs; develop, execute and oversee programs and policies for small business functions throughout the Army; and provide reports and assessments required by statute and regulation.