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Jon Kosloski Appointed Director of All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office
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Jon Kosloski Appointed Director of All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

1 min read

Jon Kosloski, previously with the National Security Agency, has been named director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office within the Department of Defense.

The Pentagon said Monday he will oversee its initiatives to reduce technical and intelligence challenges by utilizing the proper synchronization of scientific, intelligence, and operational processes with the help of the intelligence community. This is necessary to detect, identify and mitigate unidentified anomalous phenomena near national security areas.

Additionally, Kosloski will lead AARO’s efforts to study the U.S. government’s historical records on UAP and continue the declassification and release of UAP-related records to the public.

Before joining AARO, Kosloski served in various technical and executive roles in the research directorate of the NSA. He was responsible for conducting advanced mission-oriented research in networking and computing.

An expert on quantum optics research and crypto-mathematics, Kosloski created an advanced, language-agnostic search engine and advised different DOD agencies about free space optics. He also served in the special communications enterprise office of the DOD.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks said, “Jon possesses the unique set of scientific and technical skills, policy knowledge, and proven leadership experience required to enhance AARO’s efforts to research and explain unidentified anomalous phenomena to the department, congress, and the American people.”

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