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Commerce Department Lays Out Workforce Development Policy via New Administrative Order
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Commerce Department Lays Out Workforce Development Policy via New Administrative Order

1 min read

The Department of Commerce has released a department administrative order, or DAO, that articulates its policy regarding the development of a workforce that is sufficiently skilled to ensure U.S. competitiveness through technological innovation.

The Commerce Department said Tuesday that part of the policy is recognizing the inseparability of workforce development from economic development. Consequently, workforce development strategies must go hand in hand with the creation and expansion of regional clusters.

Also part of that policy are two sets of principles that guide the agency’s workforce development programs. The first set lists 11 attributes of effective workforce investments while the second lists eight principles that govern job quality.

A key proposal of the DAO is the establishment of the Commerce Workforce Council, whose function will be the development and implementation of the agency’s workforce programs, initiatives and policies.