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Maxar to Share Satellite Imagery with Europe, Africa, Middle East in Continued Partnership; EVP Tony Frazier Quoted

2 mins read

Maxar Technologies has opted to extend its partnership with European Space Imaging and Space Imaging Middle East in a new five-year agreement to share satellite imagery.

The deal sees that the company will furnish the affiliated imaging partners with high-resolution imagery that will enable government and commercial use, the defense, space and geospatial intelligence services provider said on Thursday.

The imaging companies will then farm the satellite data out to users, who will implement it for purposes such as border security, disaster response and agriculture.

Tony Frazier, Maxar executive vice president and a five-time Wash100 Award winner, said the company is looking forward to opening access to their WorldView satellite imaging constellation to customers in Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East.

“This agreement ensures European and Middle Eastern customers will have access to the highest quality satellite imagery and innovative products, such as our 15 cm HD imagery,” added Frazier, who is also general manager, public sector of Maxar Earth Intelligence.

Maxar has collaborated with the two companies for 11 years. In the new agreement, European Space Imaging has a reserved spot on the company’s WorldView satellite constellation at their ground station access point in Germany.

The deal will also fund upgrades to the ground station so that it can interface with Maxar’s next-gen WorldView Legion satellites.

Recently, in December 2021, Maxar secured over $100 million in deals that will help finance the company’s mission to impart satellite imagery to the international defense and intelligence sectors.

An aspect of those deals entails gaining access to the WorldView Legion satellite for which European Space Imaging is performing upgrades.