The Senate on Tuesday approved a one trillion dollar infrastructure package but an amendment to the bill to add $50 billion in defense infrastructure spending was blocked from receiving a vote. Sens.
MoreThe U.S. Navy and Defense Secretary and 2020 Wash100 Award recipient Mark Esper have made recent efforts to expand the service branch’s fleet to at least 355 ships to keep pace with Chinese military modernization. However,
More by Sarah Sybert
The Government Accountability Office has called on Congress to delay its decision on the U.S. Navyâs authority request for a block purchase of 12 frigates worth approximately $9 billion in fiscal year 2018 until
More by Jane Edwards
President-elect Donald Trump has proposed to increase the U.S. Navyâs fleet of 272 ships to 350 as part of his plan to generate jobs and help the government deter conflicts and fight
More by Jane Edwards