Marion Blakey, president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, has called on congressional leaders to prevent the passage of another stopgap funding measure instead of an omnibus bill, Defense News reported
MoreThe Senate’s version of the fiscal year 2013 defense authorization bill includes a provision to set the maximum amount the government will reimburse a defense company for executive salaries at $231,000, Federal
MoreThe White House and Congress need to start immediately on negotiations to reverse cuts to defense spending under sequestration, the head of a major defense trade association said Tuesday, according to
MoreMarion Blakey, president of the Aerospace Industries Association, announced that the 18 members of the Aerospace Industries Association executive committee will meet with Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on September 18,
MoreOther countries could catch up to the U.S. in developing defense technologies if Congress can not agree on how to stop automatic cuts to the defense budget, the head of a major
MoreReaction has poured in from the business and political communities regarding the congressional supercommittee‘s announcement Monday that it has failed to produce a deficit reduction proposal. Reaction from the business world