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2 Agencies to Get Investments Under Technology Modernization Fund; Clare Martorana Quoted

2 mins read

The U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission and the Selective Service System will receive investments through the Technology Modernization Fund to update key platforms and safeguard personal data.

This funding will allow the PRC to modernize internal and public-facing tools, and give their customers a better digital experience,” Clare Martorana, federal chief information officer and chair of the TMF Board as well as a 2022 Wash100 Award winner, said in a statement published Monday.

PRC will use the investment to modernize its website and other critical systems to enable its personnel to improve oversight of the U.S. Postal Service’s operations and encourage the public to take part in the commission’s proceedings.

And it will allow SSS to move quickly to scale technical operations to meet the nation’s needs through a cloud-first software and data architecture that protects the data of millions of customers,” Martorana added. 

SSS is responsible for registering all male U.S. citizens and immigrants, ages 18 through 25, who could be potentially enlisted for military service. The agency will use the TMF investment to improve its cybersecurity posture and protect the personal data of Selective Service registrants.

The two agencies will receive $9 million in funding through TMF, which is funded by the American Rescue Plan.

Join the Potomac Officers Club’s 2022 CMMC Forum on May 18 to know more about updated frameworks and requirements under the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program. Visit the POC Events page to sign up for the upcoming forum and view POC’s full calendar.