The Government Accountability Office has recommended that the Department of Defense document roles and responsibilities and communications approaches for the office of the secretary of defense nuclear transition review (SNTR), a new entity that DOD created in January to oversee the nuclear enterprise.
GAO made the recommendation after it found that DOD failed to define specific responsibilities for the SNTR and how the new organization will facilitate communications with other entities, according to a report published Wednesday.
The congressional watchdog found that the Pentagon has made progress implementing recommendations from 2014 and 2015 reviews of its nuclear forces.
However, the department still needs to provide guidance to its components when it comes to assessing the outcome and process metrics and milestones for the remaining recommendations in the 2014 nuclear enterprise review to determine if they are appropriate for assessing implementation progress.
DOD should also “document guidance that identifies the means for monitoring long-standing issues including the associated metrics and information sources” with regard to the health of the nuclear enterprise, the report reads.