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Naval Safety Center Launches Risk Management Modernization Program

1 min read

The Naval Safety Center has unveiled a new initiative that aims to augment the U.S. Navy's risk management program and expand its relevance within the naval enterprise.

The project seeks to introduce an operational RM program that utilizes a systems-based approach to address and properly accept risks at the applicable level, the Navy said Monday.

NAVSAFECEN also formed a team of subject matter experts from various warfare communities to examine the whole RM program and devise case studies to demonstrate the use of risk management across the service branch. The initiative also aims to address accountability and how risks are being communicated.

"The team will engage with their respective communities in the naval enterprise and work with them to help build the case studies as examples that Sailors and Marines can refer to," said Don Ciesielski, director at the Navy's risk management and expeditionary warfare directorate.