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CISA Releases FY21 Planning Guide for Emergency Comm Technical Assitance

1 min read

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has published a planning guide meant to help public safety officials and first responders improve interoperable communications to address issues caused by changes to emergency communications landscape.

The Emergency Communication Technical Assistance guide for fiscal year 2021 covers workshops for Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan; awareness webinars on cybersecurity, alerts and warnings, and grants for emergency communications; and review and development of governance and standard operating procedure.

The guide builds on the National Emergency Communications Plan that was updated in 2019 to highlight needs for better emergency communications capabilities and for a strategic plan for interoperable communications.

Technology and infrastructure, communication coordination, planning and procedures, and cybersecurity are four of six strategic goals set by the NECP. The plan also gives emphasis on governance and leadership, and training, exercises and evaluation.

CISA's Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program created this year's TA/SCIP Guide.