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NSA Cyber Directorate Eyes Security Standards Around Military’s Use of Emerging Tech

1 min read

The newly established cybersecurity directorate within the National Security Agency intends to come up with security standards with regard to the Pentagon’s use of emerging technologies for national security and weapons systems, FedScoop reported Friday.

Anne Neuberger, director of NSA’s cybersecurity directorate, said her office is prioritizing the development of such standards amid the adoption of cloud, 5G, internet of things and other technologies that will have an impact on the way organizations run and ensure security.

“We picked the technologies we think are the game-changers in terms of use and in terms of a need to address, and we’re working with our key customers — whether with DOD, national security systems, or with [the Department of Homeland Security], critical infrastructure — to say ‘How do you want to use those?’ And then let’s build secure use cases,” Neuberger said Thursday at CyberTalks.

“Let’s understand what the technology needs to change to make it useable from a security perspective and work from there,” she added.