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Navy, Marine Corps Test Technologies Together at Camp Lejeune

1 min read

Jeff Brody

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport took part in a two-week exercise to help marines evaluate new prototype technologies. The Fight the Naval Force Forward Advanced Naval Technology Exercise took place at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina from July 9 to 19, the U.S. Navy said Tuesday.

The event covered tests of technologies designed for various marine operations such as logistics, force protection, communications and command and control. The NUWC team assessed a common unmanned surface vehicle and MRZR, an all-terrain vehicle built to accommodate high-bandwidth communications.

“I think the ANTX is important because it has the potential to significantly speed up the acquisition process,” said Laura Mortimore, a member of the NUWC Division Keyport’s Non-Traditional Programs Office.

The team also tested a shipping container with 3D printers that marines would use to manufacture parts as needed. The exercise’s final day featured demonstrations of projects by various senior officials within the Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.