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Gen. Mike Holmes: AI Still in Learning Phase

1 min read

Jeff Brody
Mike Holmes

Gen. Mike Holmes, head of Air Combat Command, said artificial intelligence tools are still in the learning phase and requires human help, Defense One reported Tuesday. 

“[W]e’re still in the process of teaching the algorithms to be able to predict what’s there from the data and be as reliable as we would like it to be or as reliable as our teams of people [who] are doing that,” Holmes said Tuesday during a Defense Writers Group breakfast. 

“Those tools are there. We’re starting to use them and experiment with them,” he said. “I don’t think, in general, they’re at the point yet where we’re confident in them operating without having a person following through on it, but I absolutely think that’s where we’re going.” 

In addition, Holmes said AI is improving in regards to identifying objects in drone video and could be used to predict failure in aircraft parts and components.