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Lauren Knausenberger: Air Force Accelerating Accreditation Process for SaaS Apps

1 min read

Lauren Knausenberger, director of cyberspace innovation at the U.S. Air Force, said the service is developing methods to speed up the accreditation of software-as-a-service applications to handle controlled unclassified information, FedScoop reported Thursday. 

Knausenberger said at the Security Through Innovation Summit Thursday that she is working with Wanda Jones-Heath, the Air Force’s chief information security officer, on a pilot that intends to accelerate the assessment and authorization of SaaS apps used to handle data at Impact Level 4 based on the Department of Defense’s cloud security requirements.

“I expect that we will be able to accredit some SaaS offerings in a month or less. It could be faster if they had everything ready to go and we had a team ready to go test anything that was needed to be tested,” she said at the event.