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GAO: DoD Should Issue Guidance to Operationalize CMO’s Authorities, Responsibilities

1 min read

A Government Accountability Office report says the Department of Defense must address three issues to fully institutionalize the responsibilities and authorities of the chief management officer to oversee the Pentagon’s business operations. GAO said in the report published on Thursday that DoD has yet to determine how the CMO will carry out its authority to direct military services on business reforms especially if there is disagreement with a department.

The two other issues cited include the CMO’s oversight of Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities or DAFAs and the transition of responsibilities from the chief information officer to the CMO.

“Making determinations on the three unresolved issues and issuing guidance would help ensure a shared understanding throughout the department of the CMO’s role in leading DOD’s enterprise-wide business reform efforts,” according to the report.

GAO made four recommendations, including the need to codify and operationalize the CMO’s discretionary and statutory authorities through a departmentwide guidance.