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Federal Contracting to go Green

1 min read


Image: greenroost.com

Going green is no longer just a good idea. It’s a requirement — at least in future federal acquisitions.

Earlier this week, Federal Times reported on a new federal acquisition regulation mandating that going forward, nearly all new contract activity, such as task and delivery orders will have meet energy-efficiency standards.

The interim rule was issued Tuesday, Federal Times reports, and would require procured products and services to be energy- and water-efficient, as well as non-ozone depleting. In addition, products would have to be nontoxic to the environment or less toxic than other alternatives.

However, weapons systems are exempt from the new green rules.

Also according to the rule, agencies will have to “implement high-performance sustainable building design, construction, renovation, repair, commissioning, operation and maintenance, management and deconstruction practices.”

The new sustainable rules apply even down to the paper contractors submit bids on. While many bids are now submitted electronically, contractors that submit on paper will have to do so on double-sided 30 percent post-consumer fiber paper.

The Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council said the rule change could have little economic impact because it merely reflects changes to procurement regulations already mandated by executive orders and sustainability programs, Federal Times reports.