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Admiral Mullen Makes Visit to Columbia University

2 mins read

ImageResizer.aspxThe Department of Defense is working to increase public awareness of the value of military veterans. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy Admiral Mike Mullen visited Columbia University this past weekend to do just that.

“This is the beginning of an effort to connect with communities throughout the country about the challenges [the military and veterans] face to connect with America,” said Admiral Mullen as he addressed an audience of faculty, students, and student veterans.

Part of the goal of reaching out to community-based colleges and universities is to make sure veterans have a shot at whatever education and employment they desire. America’s military veterans deserve to be paid back in some way for the service they gave to the country.

Veterans deserve a shot at education, employment, and more importantly respect and support of the public for their sacrifices. Mullen said, “Part of being here today is emphasizing connecting the local community with veterans who’ve been through a lot, especially those who are wounded and ill, and their families.”

The reason for this initiative stems from the response of the public after Mullen returned from Vietnam; it was a time when the country was against its military service members. The difference today, which Mullen says is “incredibly uplifting,” is that the country supports military service men and women regardless of if they support the government’s decisions.

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